About stmfwc

This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that stmfwc contributed 16 entries already.

Entries by stmfwc


Who Is This For?

Have you ever forgotten to write a tag on a Christmas gift? Have you picked up a gift from under the tree and wondered who it was for? We don’t have to wonder who Jesus was given to or why God gave us this gift. Click here to read more from this special Christmas blog post:


7 Things That Wise People Do

Wisdom is important to God & it should be important to us. Why is it so important? Because wise people do things that promote a godly, fulfilling lifestyle. Click here to read 7 things that wise people do:


It’s OK To Drink

Drunk people are care-free. Drunk people are relaxed and happy. However, Ephesians tells us to be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit! So, is it OK for us to drink? Click here to read the full blog post:


What Are You Saying?

The words of Psalm 91 are some of the most beautiful words in all of the Bible. The first and second verses describe a personal position with God. There are promises that follow these two verses and Psalm 91:2 sets a condition that must be met so that those promises can be ours. Click here to read the full blog post.


3 Reasons Why We Need To Be A Follower

Did you know that God not only wants us to follow Him, but to imitate Him? The word “followers” in Ephesians 5:1-2 literally translates to “imitators” from the Greek word mimetes (mim-ay-tace). For us to imitate God, we must set out to know God intimately and to discover how to become more like Him. Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, knew that this would require guidance and help. He was called by God to instruct the church in how to follow God. His instructions were simple, click here to read more:


Do You Know How To Face Your Challenge?

I have come to realize that not everything goes according to our expectations. How do we face our challenges? It is certain that we will face some very trying and difficult times throughout the course of our life. In these hard times, how do we overcome and how do we walk in victory? Click here to read more:


How Long Do I Have To Wait?

Somtimes, it’s hard to keep our faith when we’re waiting for results. People ask me regularly, ā€œPastor, how long do I have to wait before I will see the answer to my faith?ā€ My answer is always the same…
Click to read the full blog post:


5 Ways to Victory

Many times in life we find ourselves up against overwhelming odds like Jehoshaphat and the children of Israel. As we look at this story, we can see several things that they did to overcome. If you and I will use these simple principles, we too will walk in victory and blessings! Click to read the blog:


The Price That Jesus Paid

The God of the universe loved us so much that He sent His son to pay the ultimate price for us. Let’s take a deeper look at what that means for us today. Click here to read the post: