Come be a Part of the Family!
If you’d like to take the next steps in getting involved at Family Worship Center, here’s everything you need to know!
1. Commit to Going to Church
We have church Sunday mornings at 10:30am as well as Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm. We also have daily prayer meetings and a weekly Healing School meeting. Learn more here:
2. Get Involved
The V-Team is a group of people who volunteer at FWC to help us complete our mission. We believe God created you with special abilities so you can be a part of what He’s doing in your church. God designed you to serve in an area based on your passions, gifts and talents. When you serve in an area God designed for you, it is both rewarding to you and beneficial to those you serve. That’s why we want to help you find the most fulfilling place to serve at FWC!
3. Connect With Us
We encourage you to follow us on all of our social networks and subscribe to our Podcasts or YouTube pages to get notified of recent sermons, broadcasts, and more! Here are some links to quickly connect you: